Herb of Grace is – Brahmi Ayurveda’s favourite child.
Alternative medicine usage has considerably expanded on a global scale. There is always a need for safe and effective medications, and research is ongoing to find new applications for existing medications. Brahmi is a herb that has been utilized for ages in Ayurvedic medicine. Western medicine offers few treatment options for some neurological illnesses, so hospitals and research facilities around the world are increasingly turning to Ayurvedic science for efficient and safer substitutes. It is commonly known that the nootropic herb brahmi can treat neurological and mental diseases. Research and thousands of years of knowledge and experience back up its efficacy and safety. Despite being a very old treatment, its latest advantages are continually being researched.
Ayurvedic doctors in India employ the herb brahmi, also known as Bacopa monnieri. It features delicate stalks with tiny white flowers and oval, bright green leaves. It grows in damp areas and marshy lands.
Health Benefits of Brahmi:
Powerful Antioxidant:
Proteins found in brahmi leaves act as potent antioxidants.
Antioxidants defend against the oxidative stress, often known as cell damage, brought on by free radicals. Heart, cancer, arthritis, stroke, respiratory illnesses, immune system deficiencies, and other inflammatory problems have all been related to oxidative stress.
Brahmi shields us from a wide range of illnesses affecting various organ systems.
Reduces Anxiety & Stress:
Our physical and mental health can be severely impacted by prolonged periods of excessive anxiety, fear, and stress. It may result in a variety of anxiety disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Ayurvedic practitioners have long utilized brahmi as a nerve tonic. It has been shown that consuming Brahmi syrup helps to lessen anxiety and its symptoms.
It might have anti-inflammatory properties:
Our bodies’ natural defence against potentially invasive foreign illnesses is inflammation. Chronic inflammation is sometimes associated with major conditions like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Brahmi has a number of advantages, one of which may be that it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Studies on animals and in test tubes have shown that Brahmi is effective at preventing the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and restricting enzymes that are crucial in promoting inflammation, respectively.
Memory Booster:
Alzheimer’s is a neurological condition linked to memory loss.
In Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions causing cognitive impairment, brahmi has been discovered to be neuro-protective and beneficial.
Our brains operate better when we consume brahmi, which also helps our short- and long-term memory.